Thursday, October 28, 2010

Diwali should be clean, green and healthy!

We all are nearing a festival of Diwali and do you know that bursting crackers is also a source of pollution. it leads to noise, air and sometimes water pollution also. i know that it is unavoidable to burst crackers, but anyhow try to reduce it my friends. you are going to sacrifice for your future generation and for the sake of our country.
  • just dont burst the crackers in excess
  • try to avoid the crackers that are too sound as it can cause irritation to old people. 
  • mainly try to avoid rocket, as in India, it have burnt lots of small huts that have hatched with leaves. 
  • especially when you burst the night crackers throw it in a safe place where others dont have the possibility to get hurt. 
  • whenever you burst crackers, see whether others are around or near you and if anyone came all of a sudden, try to stop them.
  • 90% try to avoid crackers since more child labors are involved in it. 
so my dear friends make this festival as clean, healthy and green.


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